Sustainability Strategies

Sustainability Strategies

Sustainability Strategies

How can you ensure that your investment decisions have no adverse environmental or brand image impacts while also taking advantage of powerful trends and financial support to maximize ROI?

Downside Protection, Upside Advantage

There are few Sustainable Development Goals more pressing than climate change. However, too frequently investors and their financial advisors focus on the challenges that companies and projects face due to environmental regulation or activism instead of on the opportunities present for savvy investors that recognize the power of the global sustainability zeitgeist to bolster returns and engage a broader audience in a venture’s success.

With an extensive background evaluating environmental considerations and the strategies available to investors not only to avoid financial pitfalls or poor stakeholder perceptions but also to take advantage of the myriad benefits of sustainable practices, LOHAS Advisors helps its clients chart a course that reduces risk and increases the opportunity for returns.

LOHAS helps its clients and their financial advisors with:

Incorporating climate impact into investment decisions

Improving project economics by leveraging sustainability solutions and incentives in real estate related investments

Participating in film and television productions that promote environmental sustainability

Engaging younger family members in addressing the issue of their generation in a financially compelling manner or through the use of donor-advised funds

Aligning with one or more environmentally recognizable nonprofit organizations as a way to bolster the credibility and support for an impact investment

Tracking the environmental impact of investments to ensure and maintain sustainable practices and protect brand image

Climate Change as an Analytical Filter

Incorporating climate impact in your investment decision-making process can prevent unexpected losses due to environmental effects (e.g., real estate investments impacted by rising oceans or altered seasonality) and also lead to the identification of new strategic sustainability opportunities (e.g., untapped incentives, new potential co-investors, or unexplored sectors such as renewable energy or resilient agriculture). The LOHAS team draws on its considerable environmental investment expertise to support investors and their advisors as they analyze the risks and rewards associated with climate change.

Key Sectors Benefiting from Sustainability

Film and Television Entertainment

The exploding interest in climate and sustainability issues (especially among young people) has not escaped the notice of Hollywood, but for investors inexperienced in the industry, seeing particular environmental concerns (or success stories) converted into financially successful film or television productions requires the support of parties skilled in navigating the realm of impact entertainment. The LOHAS team has broad industry knowledge gleaned from many years providing financial and strategic advisory and other services to a wide variety of entertainment companies and productions and can help transfer investors’ visions to the screen.

Family Engagement Strategy

Climate change is the leading concern of the younger generation (and many others). Incorporating opportunities to invest in companies, funds, projects, or productions that promote or protect the environment can be an effective means to attract and engage other members of the family (or family foundation) in investment decision making.

The LOHAS team not only supports clients by identifying and analyzing sustainability ventures but also helps utilize innovative strategies such as donor-advised funds, which can be ideal (risk-free) mechanisms for instructing less experienced investors in due diligence considerations when making impact investments.

Maximize Environmental Upside

When undertaking an environmentally positive impact investment initiative, often investors overlook the strategic partners that might participate in the venture and not only strengthen the impact credentials but also broaden the support for the endeavor.

The LOHAS team can craft the appropriate strategic partner strategy and is well connected in the impact sector and with environmentally recognized foundations, endowments, and other nonprofit organizations that might be well suited to lend their credibility (and maybe even capital) to a joint impact venture.

Ensure Sustainability Success

Espousing sustainability goals or expectations prior to project commencement is not adequate to ensure that the objectives are achieved. Establishing metrics and then tracking and measuring the agreed-upon standards are essential to ensure not only that goals are met but also that there is no blowback from stakeholders or other interested parties due to lack of performance.

LOHAS is well versed in developing metrics that meet Sustainable Development Goals standards while also aligning with realistic project expectations and then helping convey the successful achievement of those objectives to stakeholders.

Fully Capture the Greatest Wealth Generation Opportunity of Our Lifetimes

This is no time to ignore the blind-spot. To ensure that you are incorporating a thorough understanding of the environmental obstacles and opportunities inherent in your investment strategy, please contact the sustainability experts at LOHAS.